How do I withdraw to my bank?

There are two options when withdrawing assets:

  • Bank wire transfer for traditional currencies (GBP, EUR, CHF);

  • Blockchain transfer for digital assets or crypto-currencies.

To withdraw or transfer your digital assets crypto-currencies to your external wallet, you may refer to the instructions from this article: How do I transfer digital assets / crypto currencies to my external wallet?

If you ONLY have crypto-currency in your wallet, you will need to trade it to fiat (USD/CHF/EUR/GBP) first before withdrawing to your bank. You may follow the steps outlined here: How to trade assets from the web?


To withdraw to your bank account, please find the instructions below.


iOS and Android

  1. From your Lykke app home screen, tap Withdraw
    • You can also find the withdraw feature by going to the Assets menu. You may find it at the bottom navigation bar
  2. Select the fiat currency you would like to withdraw (EUR/CHF/GBP).
  3. Fill in the form with the following details:
    • Total amount you would like to withdraw
    • Bank account details such as the SWIFT code, name of the bank and the beneficiary's account number (IBAN)
    • Account holder information such as your full name, address which includes your city and zip code
  4. Tap the Proceed button 


  1. Navigate to your Lykke account on the web 
  2. Go to Funds
  3. Click the menu Withdraw right-double-chevron.png select the option SWIFT right-double-chevron.png select the fiat currency you wish to transfer
  4. Fill in the form by entering the required information such as:
    • Total amount you would like to withdraw
    • Bank account details such as your account number, account name, bank name, BIC, address and purpose of payment
  5. Click the button Submit

Your request is then sent to our Finance for internal checking. Once the funds are transferred to your bank account, you will receive the corresponding notification.

Important Note: