You could transfer any digital currency that you hold on your Lykke wallet to your external wallet. Please find the instructions below how to transfer your digital assets / crypto currencies to your external wallet:
iOS and Android
- From your Lykke app home screen, tap Withdraw
- You can also find the withdraw feature by going to the Assets menu. You may find it at the bottom navigation bar
- Select the crypto-currency or digital asset you would like to withdraw.
- Read and accept the Terms of Service and the warning alert.
- Enter the amount and the wallet address by scanning the QR code or copy/paste the wallet address. In some assets like XLM and XRP, memo/tag is required to identify the transaction as yours.
- Tap Proceed
- Sign the transaction by entering your PIN or fingerprint.
- Navigate to your Lykke account on the web
- Go to Funds
- Click the menu Withdraw select the option Blockchain Transfer select the crypto-currency you wish to transfer
- Fill in the form by entering the required information:
- amount you would like to transfer
- external wallet's address
- external wallet's memo/tag (only applicable to XLM, XRP and KIN transfers)
- Click the button Submit
Important Note:
- Please note of the fees and limits for crypto-currency transactions from this page: Lykke Fees and Limits
- Withdrawals of digital assets or crypto-currencies can take up to 15 minutes to be processed.
- For assets like XRP and XLM, please make sure to specify the memo/tag if required by your external wallet to avoid the risk of losing your funds.
- Please make sure that the wallet address is a valid address that can receive the crypto currency you transferred. Transferring to another blockchain will result in funds loss.