With this new upgrade, we introduce the possibility of performing blockchain withdrawals over API V2 wallets. This will only work with HFT API V2 wallets and it is required to have a KYC-approved account.
Before using this new feature you need to create your own deposit addresses for the API V2 wallet you intend to use the new functionality. Each API V2 wallet will have it’s own deposit addresses.
To keep things secure, we have introduced a whitelist of addresses for you to manage over the Webterminal. In this list, you will enter the details of the addresses that will be interacting with your API wallet. It is important to highlight that any address addition will become effective in 48 hours as a security measure to protect user funds.
1. You need to have an existing HFT API V2 wallet. This feature only works for HFT API V2 wallets.
2. If you don’t have one you need to create a new HFT API V2 wallet (webterminal). Make sure that “Use in api v2 only” is ticked. https://wallet.lykke.com/wallets/hft
3. 2FA needs to be activated for the account. If not yet done you will find it under “Profile” -> “Security” you can enable it. https://wallet.lykke.com/profile/security
4. Before you can whitelist any address you need to create deposit addresses.
5. Create Deposit Addresses: https://lykkecity.github.io/Trading-API/#create-deposit-addresses
This method will create deposit addresses for the networks that are supported (Swisschain infrastructure) to perform API deposits and withdrawals. Any network which will be added to the system will automatically create the corresponding deposit address without the need to call the method again. Here you can find an overview of what Assets are available: https://support.lykke.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002141125-What-are-the-fees-and-charges-
6. Get deposit address for a given Asset use this: https://lykkecity.github.io/Trading-API/#get-deposit-address-for-a-given-asset
Get all deposit addresses:
In order to obtain the “assetid” call this method: https://lykkecity.github.io/Trading-API/#get-all-assets
7. At this stage no addresses are whitelisted yet. This has to happen manually over the webterminal. IMPORTANT: you can only whitelist addresses once you have created the deposit addresses first.
8. Click the “Add” Button to proceed with whitelisting an address.
9. The input mask below will open. Please enter all relevant information to whitelist an address. IMPORTANT: Any changes made on this address will become operational in 48 hours
Name: Address description
Asset: Asset for which you want to whitelist an address
Address: Address you want to whitelist
Memo/Tag: will only appear for assets where this information is needed
Wallet: drop down menu of available HFT API V2 wallets
2FA: 2FA code for the Lykke wallet account
10. As mentioned above the whitelisted address will become effective after 48 hours. Until the locked period is completed the only possible action would be to “Remove” the whitelisted address.
11. Once the lock period is over the whitelisted address will be with Status “Active”. This address can now be used to process a withdrawal request over API.
12. For more information:
Get the history of withdrawals and deposits
Create deposit addresses
Get deposit addresses for all assets
Get deposit address for a given Asset